Saturday, May 10, 2014

Shorty Play: Detective Foxy McGruff Part 1

 FOXY MCGRUFF, a young canine detective. Her assistant, SOPHIE, is unenthusiastic and sarcastic. SKY is loyal owner. Set in a medium sized house in Wedgewood. Enter SKY
SKY: Detective Foxy, there you are! I need your help!
FOXY: What's up, Sky?
SKY: Someone's stealing my bills! Not that I want to pay them, but still!
FOXY: I think I can help. Do you have any evidence or clues?
SKY: Well, there were pawprints around the mailbox and everything was there except my bills... (Gasps) Detective, did you take my bills?
FOXY: No, but this sounds like a case for...
SOPHIE: Dundundunda.
FOXY: Detective Foxy McGruff and her sidekick Sophie!
SOPHIE: Assistant, not sidekick
FOXY: Okay, let's goooooo!
Later that night, FOXY and SOPHIE outside by the mailbox full of bills
SOPHIE: Hey Foxy, I'll take first watch!
FOXY: Thanks, I'm gonna go get a snack!
SOPHIE: Okay…bye!
SOPHIE opens mailbox and eats bills then pretends to be knocked out on floor. Enter FOXY
FOXY: Sophie? Are you okay? What happened?
SOPHIE: Someone knocked me out and took the bills…
FOXY: Look, slobber on the handle! And fur stuck in flap! Orange-ish fur! Maybe the dog looked like you, Sophie.
SOPHIE: Yeah, LOOKS like me.
To be continued because I have to go to bed…

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