Friday, June 20, 2014

Wrong link

Never mind, the link is

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Read our support blog!

The address to our support blog is


One of my awesome friends Helen was just diagnosed with cancer in her leg. I am worried for her and her family so I would like all of you to hope for her. Thanks! #teamhelen! Good luck, and we love you Helen!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Shorty Play: Detective Foxy McGruff Part 2

FOXY: Yeah, that's what I said. We've got to tell Sky what we found.
Inside the house…
SKY: Well, what did you find?
FOXY: Orange-ish hair in the flap and slobber on the handle. What did you see, Sophie?
SOPHIE: Well there was this, ( BURP)
SKY: Sophie, you ate them?
SOPHIE: I was trying to help you pay less money on that and more money on me.
FOXY: Case closed! Oh, and Sophie, stop eating the bills.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Shorty Story: Bigio and Lilio Surprise Part 2

In the end, the two kitties got the plastic toys and by now have scattered them across the house. But they do love to play with them, even though they do make lots of noise.

Shorty Play: Detective Foxy McGruff Part 1

 FOXY MCGRUFF, a young canine detective. Her assistant, SOPHIE, is unenthusiastic and sarcastic. SKY is loyal owner. Set in a medium sized house in Wedgewood. Enter SKY
SKY: Detective Foxy, there you are! I need your help!
FOXY: What's up, Sky?
SKY: Someone's stealing my bills! Not that I want to pay them, but still!
FOXY: I think I can help. Do you have any evidence or clues?
SKY: Well, there were pawprints around the mailbox and everything was there except my bills... (Gasps) Detective, did you take my bills?
FOXY: No, but this sounds like a case for...
SOPHIE: Dundundunda.
FOXY: Detective Foxy McGruff and her sidekick Sophie!
SOPHIE: Assistant, not sidekick
FOXY: Okay, let's goooooo!
Later that night, FOXY and SOPHIE outside by the mailbox full of bills
SOPHIE: Hey Foxy, I'll take first watch!
FOXY: Thanks, I'm gonna go get a snack!
SOPHIE: Okay…bye!
SOPHIE opens mailbox and eats bills then pretends to be knocked out on floor. Enter FOXY
FOXY: Sophie? Are you okay? What happened?
SOPHIE: Someone knocked me out and took the bills…
FOXY: Look, slobber on the handle! And fur stuck in flap! Orange-ish fur! Maybe the dog looked like you, Sophie.
SOPHIE: Yeah, LOOKS like me.
To be continued because I have to go to bed…

Thursday, May 1, 2014


She's my wittle sweetie, yes she is! Lola is sooooo sweet, umm, well, sometimes

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shorty Story: Bigio and Lilio

In a town called Kittidia there lived two feline sisters, Bigio and Lilio. Today was their birthday. They were finally 7. Their mother was the only ones who cared. There were plastic toys hidden all around the house for them. But their big sister stole them and took everything inside. They were confused. Were the plastic toys for her? They must have been, because then Big Sister sprinkled their favorite rain all over them. Lilio went crazy and rolled on the floor while Bigio kept on with her toy. All in all, it was a happy cat birthday.


Someone had a little too much catnip...

Happy Birthday Easter!

Today is my kitties birthday!! Hoppy Easter!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Oh Lola

Silly kitty! Loves me so much that while I brush my hair she curls up in the sink!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Strange Cat

I see a light... Or it's that toy you're holding above your head.


Friday: The unofficial day of selfies, hashtags, and acronyms. #TGIF Ugh..

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Failed Coolness Attempt

My mom trying to be cool with the book of faces and the snapping chat. Sigh.


I accidently just stepped on her back with my big black boot. Oops...

Shorty Story: I was a Tweenage Spazz

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a young girl. This girl was a strange girl. One minute she would be perfectly normal and the next she would be maniaclly laughing. She was a twisted little girl. She could invent the craziest ideas like a dancing game show where 10 people dance to the death or a tug of war scene where her best friends arms were torn off by her boyfriend and one of his crazy friends. But she could also be a completely average tween, gossiping about boys and dealing with fake friends. She was considered "special" by many and was made fun of multiple times for loving T.V. shows that were meant for toddlers. But she was loved by all her teachers, family, and friends. She was smart and has good grades. This teaches us that SPAZZES ARE COMPLETLEY COMMON AND ARE NOT TO BE FEARED.

This is the Beginning

Sooooooo... ummmm... yeah. The title says it all. Shmoop.